If you close your window or tab, you must re-access the site through the A/Z Plan Pricing website to ensure that all eligible plan pricing is visible. What happens if I close this site before I'm finished? Contact your local dealer to determine their level of participation in the program and final vehicle pricing. Also, some dealers may choose not to participate in A/Z Plan pricing. In addition, some vehicles, trims or options you select may not qualify for A/Z Plans. Note: A/Z Plan pricing information is not available on all Ford websites. Every time it goes to the dealer I sit and loose money.Welcome A/Z Plan Participant Now you can view exclusive price savings on our Build & Price shopping tool. Have to pull axle out to replace pads, tires wear out fast, very involved job aligning front end! Seam in drivers door blocks mirror, backup camera screen too small, storage is poorly designed (stuff falls of/out) it goes on and on.wort thing: this is my source of income. The little things: drive shaft flex coupling has to be replaced every 30,000 miles, rear brakes wore at 20,000 mls. (Body cntrl module) Ford still trying to figure out what to do. Then tore the front of the interior apart! A piece of the wiring harnesses missing. Then the interior lights won’t go off if doors are left open. First, the hesitation when shifting into reverse. 12 mpg.Too many problems for a new vehicle. Wow if it wasn’t for the endless power, I would be out of my mind angry. About every 6 weeks it doesnt, I reset the system by disconnect battery for 3 minutes. So now at 56k miles, only major issue is Bluetooth forgets my phone once every couple weeks, reconnects usually. I threatened them that it should be replaced under lemon law. UNREAL that a company would put a consumer through this. 4 throttle bodies and 45 days later it runs correctly again. Got replacement, told by dealer it's all fixed, still stalls while driving, back to the lemon grove. UPDATE 6/1/17 so the throttle body failure was a common issue, parts back ordered. Pay more for anything else and don't risk your life everyday driving (or trying to) this junk. Ford has and always will be the WORST most unreliable domestic vehicle brand available.more crap in a new wrapper. Once again ford has convinced a small business their vehicles are worth owning.wrong. Once it had to be reset "by the dealer" at 38,000 miles. Thought this would be real nice after all the issues with a transit connect, well it looks nice and has the space needed for a work truck, however it has had weird electrical issues that come and go, Bluetooth randomly won't connect to my phone.